Think pieces


Johannes Hurtig / Unsplash


We need to build welfare systems that are compatible with sustainable economics, improve people’s well-being, and respect planetary boundaries. What does that entail? Follow our experts as they debate this and put forward concrete ideas for the emergence of eco-social policies and sustainable welfare systems.

Ryan Tang / Unsplash

Workdays for future? How labour market policies can promote a climate-friendly world of employment

The climate crisis and employment crises cannot be solved separately. This think piece by Katharina Bohnenberger discusses a need for integrated solutions and green labour market policies.

Engin Akyurt / Unsplash

Promoting equity and reducing inequalities: the role of evidence and science

Evidence-based policymaking is important to the reduction of social and economic inequalities, but there's a misconception about the political nature of research engagement. This think piece by Paul Cairney discusses why evidence-to-policy initiatives need to embrace policy processes, instead of trying to replace political problems with technocratic solutions.

Lubo Minar/ Unsplash

Wanted: a low-carbon and fair reset

What can be done to prevent social unrest and a legitimacy crisis in the low-carbon transition? This think piece by Eric Brandstedt discusses the difficulties of a "just transition" from fossil fuels toward alternative technologies. 

Johannes Hurtig / Unsplash

Welfare systems should be made independent of GDP growth

Given environmental pressures and long-term economic stagnation, GDP growth can no longer be considered as method to improve welfare resources. Max Koch discusses how researchers must investigate the relationship between growth and welfare, and policymakers must realize the environmental limitations of the economy.

Ali Tawfiq / Unsplash

On how Ontario trialed basic income

The government of Ontario, Canada launched a basic income pilot in 2017. Though it was cancelled prior to official analysis in 2019, researchers were able to gather data and make findings about the pilot. Ferdosi, McDowell, Lewchuk and Ross explain these evaluations, focusing on work-life outcomes in particular.

Antonio Marin Segovia / Unsplash


We need to reset along a more equitable and smart path. But how? Here is the latest by leading experts as they debate ideas and hands-on (and new) policy solutions to this.  

