Dr Martina Emke coordinates a pool of experts in technology-enhanced teaching and learning in higher education, which is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Sciences of the federal state of North Rhine-Westfalia in Germany. As an Affiiliated Researcher at the Open University, UK, she has been involved in research projects focusing on online language teaching and language teacher professional development. Since 2008, she has been working in projects for the European Centre for Modern Languages, which seek to help language teachers improve their digital teaching skills.
Dr Martina Emke coordinates a pool of experts in digitally-enhanced teaching and learning – the Expert*innenpool “Flying Experts” - at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. The Expert*innenpool is part of a project funded by the Ministry of Culture and Sciences of the federal state of North Rhine-Westfalia, which provides training and services to enable higher education teaching staff develop their technology-supported teaching skills. She is an Affiliated Researcher at the Open University, UK, and has been involved in language teacher training projects at the European Centre for Modern Languages which focus on digitally-enhanced language teaching. Martina’s research interests include online teaching, networked learning and research ethics.