User directory


Monica Narvaez's picture
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Mónica Andrea Narváez Chicaíza has received her LLM degree from McGill University. She is a lawyer from the Universidad de Nariño, Colombia, and hold a degree in Social Security from the Universidad Externado de Colombia. Her main interest lies in the public policies in health as a mean to achieve well-living in the population. She is also interested in development law, especially in the achievement of sustainable development goals.
Simon Burgess's picture
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I am a Professor of Economics at the University of Bristol in the UK. I work on education using an economic analysis, doing empirical work, using RCTs, and using other econometric methods on administrative and other data. My aims are to raise educational achievement, and thereby contribute to raising prosperity, reducing inequality and enhancing social mobility.
Patrick Finnegan's picture
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Patrick joined the Department in September 2017 and primarily teaches strategic studies. Although his research interests are varied, the primary areas of concern are terrorism and military sociology, particularly the potential overlap between the two. Patrick's work has focused on applying cohesion studies, particularly professionalism, to non-state actors in an effort to explain their development. Prior to joining the Department of Politics and International Relations at Reading, Patrick taught a number of topics and the University of Exeter. These included: American Politics, Strategic Studies, Rising Powers: peace and conflict, and the Changing Character of Warfare. He also designed and produced a Strategic Studies module for the University of Hertfordshire. Patrick has also contributed to military education 'short courses' based on his research on Counter Insurgency and Terrorism in Northern Ireland. These courses have included serving military personnel and defence related civil servants. Patrick has been involved with a number of events which seek to introduce students to real world applications of strategy and attempts to devise solutions to real world problems. Most successful of these has been Grand Challenges where students have been given the resources they needed to understand and provide solutions for real life problems. Some of these solutions have been suggested to the government for consideration. Through his research Patrick has also directly engaged with many former combatants from the Northern Irish Troubles. These have included former military and paramilitary. Particular groups have been the Devonshire and Dorset Regimental Association as well as former Republican prisoners groups. Patrick has also provided insight for those supporting government select committees and the media.
Ravi Bhavnani's picture
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Ravi Bhavnani is a Professor in the International Relations & Political Science Department at the Graduate Institute. His research explores the micro-foundations of violent conflict by means of agent-based computational modeling and disaggregated empirical analysis. More specifically, his work examines the endogenous relationships among: (i) the characteristics, beliefs, and interests of relevant actors; (ii) social mechanisms and emergent social structures that shape attitudes, decision-making and behavior; and (iii) patterns of conflict and violence.
Filipe Calvao's picture
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Anthropology and sociology, IHEID
Steve Matthewman's picture
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I am a sociologist working at the University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand.
Rumman Khan's picture
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I am a Lecturer in Economics at the University of Bristol and an external research fellow at The Centre of Research in Economic Development and International Trade (CREDIT) at the University of Nottingham. I obtained my PhD from the University of Nottingham in 2017 and the title of my thesis was "Essays in Poverty and Household Analysis in Africa". I have a number of ongoing research on a range of topics including; how growth has translated to poverty reduction across Sub-Saharan African countries, the use of pseudo-panel estimation techniques on household surveys, the effect of household income diversification on welfare in Uganda and Tanzania, and the analysis of agricultural production in Tanzania. I have previously held positions as a Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham, a Visiting Scholar Intern at the Institute of Statistical, Social, and Economic Research (ISSER) in Ghana, and as a Research Assistant at the Bank of England.
Munira Shaheen's picture
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An Anthropologist who is passionate to work towards the documentation, preservation and promotion of cultural heritage of mountain communities of Gilgit Baltistan by engaging youth and elders.
Malu Gatto's picture
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Malu A. C. Gatto is Assistant Professor of Latin American Politics at the Institute of the Americas at University College London (UCL). Previously, she was a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Political Science at the University of Zurich. Gatto's work explores questions about women's political representation and participation, gendered political behavior and policy-making with a regional focus on Latin America, especially Brazil. Her academic research has been published in the JPLA and PS. She has also provided analysis on Brazilian politics and women's political representation for, among others, the Financial Times, the Washington Post, the BBC, and El País. She holds a BA from Barnard College (2011), and an MSc (2012) and DPhil (2016) from the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford.
Aran Martin's picture
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Dr Aran Martin is a Research Fellow at the Melbourne School of Government and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Global Change, Peace and Security. From 2008-2014 he was a Project Manager with the Centre for Dialogue at La Trobe University. His research interests include international relations, conflict resolution, environmental politics and global civil society. Dr Martin is a member of the Australian Attorney General’s Department, Countering Violent Extremism Research Panel and the Victorian Department of Premier & Cabinet's Research Institute on Social Cohesion. His most recent project was a qualitative review commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the experience of Australian government personnel involved in conflict prevention, peacemaking and peacebuilding programming. Its aim was to derive lessons learnt for the Department to improve its capacity to work more effectively upstream to address the drivers of conflict and to develop new policy and programming tools for early action in response to emerging risks of conflict and instability.

