User directory


Bok-Hee Kim's picture
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Working for KOICA, Korean government-run development cooperation agency
Benito Moore's picture
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faizan khan's picture
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Antoine Cormont's picture
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Antoine Lefevre's picture
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Here to fix bugs
Sara Hmede's picture
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Brown eyes
hamza's picture
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Andy Newton's picture
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Andy Newton is an Associate Professor in Policing and Criminology at Nottingham Trent University, NTU (UK). His research interests focus on the intersection of crime, people and space. More specifically he is interested in crime and policing as it relates to: transport, technology, intelligent mobility and crime; acquisitive crime; policy analysis and evaluation, problem solving and evidence based policing, data science, crime analysis and GIS; situational crime prevention; offender mobility, and mixed methods research. He is a member of the Strategic Board of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire's Violence Reduction Unit (NNVRU) and the Executive Group of the Nottinghamshire Crime and Drugs Partnership (CDP).
Michael Jonathan's picture
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I am a Nigerian, strong and energetic in my late forty. With keen interest in Education Research. A post primary education teacher in Lagos State. NCE.(Econs/Maths), (Econs Edu.), (Economics) and Msc. (In view) Education Measurements and Evaluation. TASUED. A member of the Association of Behavioural Research of Nigeria.
Edwin-Isotu Edeh's picture
Short description: 
Dr Edwin Isotu Edeh is a seasoned United Nation's Global Environmental Health Specialist, Keynote Speaker and transformational  Leader. Dr. Edwin Isotu Edeh coordinates Public Health and Environment (PHE) Programme of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Nigeria. He is a dynamic global environmental health Specialist, Keynote Speaker and transformational leader with 14 years of technical and strategic levels experience spanning across public sector, industries and humanitarian spheres. Isotu is an award-winning author of a classic 426 page book: Environmental Health: Understanding Current Issues and Solutions of the 21st Century (2016). He led the 3rd Cycle implementation of United Nations Global Analysis and Assessment on Sanitation and Drinking Water (GLASS) Initiative in Nigerian 36 states (2018), health sector (WHO/FMOH) assessments and National Action Plan activities on Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) for implementation Minimata Convention on Mercury, and 1st multisectoral National Environmental Response to Lassa Fever (LF) control in Nigeria (WHO, NCDC, FMENV, FMARD) in 2019, amongst others. He provides high-level leadership, strategy and capacity development on environment and sustainability to support One-Health Agenda for global health security. He holds a Global Health and Humanitarianism certification from the University of Manchester, PhD Environmental Management and Control – University of Nigeria, MSc Environmental Management - University of Port Harcourt and under-graduate studies in Environmental Health Technology, Rivers State College of Health Science and Technology, Port Harcourt. Edwin Isotu is open-minded, stands out in integrity, and has an excellent touch to his project and works. He is good team player with high energy to deliver results and make things work.

