

Inclusion of unrepresented groups within the research process

How can our governments and research institutes support the research activities of under represented groups? I believe that the appetite is there for inclusions but there can be big barriers in the way.

How to foster urban inclusion and celebrate diversity in public spaces?

When developing urban policies, how to address the cultural needs and expectations of increasingly-diverse communities, upholding their cultural rights? How to foster interaction and participation in the public space? How to promote a shared identity and citizenship while celebrating diversity?  

Priority policies for building an inclusive digital economy

What policies are needed to build a truly inclusive digital economy - one which can deliver major social benefits to vulnerable people and marginalised communities?

service user particpation in policy design and social education programmes

How can we facilitate meaningful service user involvement in policy design and social education programmes? What are the prerequisites for this to be a success for all parties, and what are the main challenges?”  

defining social inclusion for people with disabilities

“ How helpful are notions of social exclusion and inclusion in understanding the problems that people with disability face?  What measures do we  need to stop this understanding from serving merely as a constraint on policy makers”  

Overcoming obstacles for unaccompanied minors to continue onwards into higher education

Would anyone be able to show good examples of policies or projects that are supporting young unaccompanied minors to continue onwards into higher education? I understand that in EU countries high fees are a barrier for students and a disadvantage language wise, as well as not knowing the system. I am working with a group of young migrants and we want to push for better support for them to be able to continue in education and in order to give them the skills to better integrate.

How can climate change initiatives could be designed to address gender inequalities?

The increasing gap of inequalities and frequent attempts to address climate change (such as micro-finance) are sometimes seen as competing. I would like some examples where climate change initiatives have particularly focused on redressing gender imbalances. 

How has the policy marker around inclusion as a transversal and overarching objective been approached?

I'm interested in any specific examples of how the policy marker around inclusion as a transversal and overarching objective been approached? Are there any specific policy design considerations that can be recommended?

Beyond the figures, what do we know about the excluded?

Exclusion has many faces. Despite real progress since 2000 towards universal primary education, 72 million children are still not enrolled at all in school. More than half are girls. Seven out of ten live in sub-Saharan Africa or South and West Asia. Poverty and marginalization are major causes of exclusion. Households in rural or remote communities and children in urban slums have less access to education. Disabled children suffer from blatant educational exclusion – they account for one third of all out-of-school children.

