Nice question. I would recommend you to look into two initiatives:
First, the Report from Brookings, written by a colleague Emiliana Vegas. You have several experiences introducing digital skills and Computer Science (including AI) to developing countries.
Gen Z students are in very different contexts so cultural relevancy will be critical in their different contexts whilst exploiting digitalised learning to bring different groups together to work together to achieve the SDG. AI raises its own challenges because demographic dividends suggest there is a lack of trained people in the labour market, so we need to mobilise digital learning with flexible pathways, Accreditation for Prior Learning and Prior Experiential Learning and enable candidates to build portfolio of micro credentials, but on the other hand AI is replacing the jobs candidates are being trained to do. So we need to train students to problem solve with the tools that will enable them to think independently and critically. Further, AI databases are built on current data which includes unconscious bias, so HEIs need to ensure that data used for Ai reverses all unconscious bias and boosts inclusion, diversity and equity. Our Consortium have submitted a bid to Horizon Europe 'Investing in Vocational and Educational Training with Professional Educators and Administrators Committees for Empowerment (IVET with PEACE) to mobilise doctoral study with educational leaders to train their staff to develop their own statistical models and feedback loops with students and parents to design an evidence based inclusive curriculum for diverse Gen-Z students and for lifelong learners that raises awareness of the benefits and challenges to AI in these diverse contexts.
It takes a forward-thinking strategy that recognises the influence of generative AI and welcomes diversity to provide an inclusive curriculum for diverse Gen-Z students in an uncharted and unsettling future. First and foremost, to prepare students for a constantly shifting environment, the curriculum must foster critical thinking, creativity, and flexibility. To ensure comprehension of the ethical implications of AI, it should include multidisciplinary topics like ethics and technology. Second, it's important to put inclusion first by valuing and promoting other cultures, viewpoints, and learning preferences. Individual requirements may be met via flexible evaluations and personalized learning routes. To promote empathy and understanding across other populations, it should also be emphasized that cooperation, teamwork, and global awareness are important. Finally, using digital platforms for feedback and co-creation, instructors and students should engage in continuing conversations to change the curriculum. An inclusive curriculum may equip Gen-Z students to succeed in an unpredictable future by embracing diversity, developing fundamental skills, and addressing the implications of generative AI.
To design an inclusive curriculum for diverse Gen-Z students in a rapidly changing climate, characterized by, inter alia, generative AI, requires reflective co-construction, change and creativity. Co-construction requires trust, listening and authentic interaction. For instance, those of us engaging with teaching or research born outside of the Gen-Z era have evolved wisdom and pedagogical experiences to share that will differ from those from within Gen-Z, and that is Ok, it is actually a strength because difference is a wonderful tool. However, because perspectives, understanding and expectations differ across generations and disciplines, there is a need to dialogue, to explore meaning and new ways forward. Dialoguing with other can unfold in lots of different styles, and will impact greatly on outcomes depending on the style of talking engaged with. Dialogic pedagogy promotes equity, expectation to participate and emotional intelligence during engagement with people, with humans, with 'other'. This means it is important to find time to discuss, get to know each other, develop trust, and try to remove professional ego's, so that dialogue creates opportunity to explore old ground and possible new opportunities.
I call it celebrating heterogeneity in the classroom. Curriculum should be rich in projects that bring out the inherent skills and qualities of diverse group of students. Moreover in a developing country, the projects should try to address the local problems and create a small but significant change. My 20 plus years of experience as course co-ordinator for a course attracting students from diverse economic, social and educational background taught me that having innovative student-led teaching learning methodology each semester through well curated project is the most effective curriculum delivery method. All the projects carried out including entreprenuerial ventures are chronicled in my website
Inclusive curriculums require a large degree of experiential learning. Over recent decades, curriculums in many countries have been designed according to PISA-led learning targets, which have squeezed out the space for adapting to new developments in the world and are often geared towards those with the most resources (private tutoring or private education can quite easily game this type of system). Experiential learning should be embedded in the curriculum using methods such as community-based research as well as placing more focus on citizenship education. Citizenship education - including subjects such as information literacy and learning about civic and political engagement - has the potential to enhance the learning of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds while also tackling head on critical developments such as AI and Climate Change. It can teach young people how to successfully adapt to these changes in terms of their academic and life skills.
Dear All
I am submitting herewith my thoughts on the Design of Inclusive curriculum for diverse Gen-Z students in the era of Generative AI.
1. Experiential Learning with Game based Design of the curriculum can address the number of problems of understanding of the diverse Gen-Z students.
2. Project Based Learning with specified Learning outcome and its assessment will be useful for effective and inclusive pedological aspects.
3. Designing a curricula with consideration of these aspects needs to be re-assessed by "Computational Thinking" in the era of "Information and Communication Technology" (ICT) with consideration of Tools of Generative AI.
4. Inclusive ICT tools for vocational education needs to be specified in the curriculum for participative learning through the engagement of Gen-Z students.
These suggestions are based upon the experiments that I carried out in the past and thus came out from the experience.
Yes, it's a good question, and answering it requires conducting scientific workshops and local scientific seminars for the sake of Reinstalling the appropriate educational curricula that the developing countries needs in light of the benefit of artificial intelligence
I concur with other experts answering your query that to design an inclusive curriculum for diverse learners, characterized by generative AI, requires careful consideration of several key aspects. Highlighted strategies and principles that can guide the curriculum design process include: Flexibility and cultural relevance: Recognize the various environments in which Gen-Z learners are found and make sure the curriculum is culturally appropriate to their experiences. Offer adaptable learning paths that allow for individualized learning experiences that can fit various learning styles. Transversal Skills: To educate learners for a continuously changing environment, the curriculum should encourage transversal skills of which critical thinking, innovation, and adaptability. Give them the tools they need to navigate generative AI's problems and uncharted futures critically and autonomously. Inclusion and Diversity: Put the value and promotion of diverse cultures, points of view, and learning preferences at the forefront of curriculum design. To address individual needs, use flexible evaluations and individualized learning paths. To foster compassion and understanding among various communities, place a strong emphasis on collaboration, teamwork, and global awareness. Ethical Implications of AI: AI's ethical repercussions Include cross-disciplinary subjects like technology and ethics to make sure learners are aware of the ethical implications of AI. Encourage debates and considerations regarding the ethical implications of AI applications. Reflective co-construction and Dialogue: Encourage communication, dialogue, and genuine contact between teachers, learners, and other stakeholders. Participate in reflective co-construction processes that entail exchanging knowledge, insights, and viewpoints between generations and disciplines. To foster an atmosphere that encourages meaningful conversation and the discovery of new prospects, remove professional egos. Experiential Learning and Projects: Include experiential learning strategies that highlight the innate talents and attributes of various learner groups, such as project-based learning. Create initiatives that deal with neighborhood issues, encouraging a sense of ownership and bringing about beneficial improvements in the neighborhood. Citizenship education: Integrate citizenship education, which covers topics like information literacy and learning about civic and political engagement, into the curriculum. This gives learners of all backgrounds more agency, improves their academic and life skills, and gives them the tools they need to successfully adjust to important advances like artificial intelligence and climate change. Incorporate Computational Thinking and Digital Tools: Consider computational thinking and leverage the affordances of digital tools to enhance participative learning and engage learners. Design curriculum components that utilize digital platforms for feedback, co-creation, and ongoing conversations between instructors and learners.
By incorporating these principles and strategies, one can develop such a robust curriculum. The curriculum should foster critical thinking, creativity, flexibility, and ethical awareness while promoting inclusion, diversity, and cooperation among learners and educators. In my opinion the key is that rather than focusing on Gen-Z, the curriculum designer should develop a robust framework based on active and personalised learning, putting the learner at the centre. This will ensure that when delivered, teaching and learning are contextualised, thus catering for the needs of each individual learner.
Good question and some very great points have been share by my fellow peers. Generation Z (Gen Z) students have largely replaced Millennials in undergraduate programmes, with institutions of higher education now primarily enrolling students from the former (Seemiller & Grace, 2016; Shatto & Erwin, 2016). With educators welcoming a new cohort of students to campus, there is a growing concern regarding how to effectively teach this ‘always-on’ generation; for example, a study by Pearson (2018) showed that almost half of all Gen Z-ers (47%) spend a minimum of three hours daily on YouTube. The Gen Z population, much like its predecessors – the Silent and Baby Boomer generations, followed by Generation X (Gen X) and Generation Y (also known as Millennials) – has its own unique, distinct characteristics that have been shaped by information communication technologies, social and cultural shifts, and financial volatility. As such, it is crucial for higher education institutions to effectively engage with Gen Z, in order for scholars, teachers, and university staff to understand their aforementioned characteristics (Seemiller & Grace, 2017; Shatto & Erwin, 2016; Shorey et al., 2021) and in turn, effectively and ethically integrate generative AI (GenAI) technologies into the curriculum. The changing student population and simultaneous technological advances, including GenAI, should be a stimulus for evaluation and potential modification of policy and pedagogical approaches within the traditional classroom and experiential learning settings. Furthermore, it is imperative to offer support to Gen X and Millennial teachers on GenAI technologies, by examining their perceptions and concerns, in order to reduce the gap of their expectations for promoting seamless integration and collaboration, ultimately improving the overall learning experience and harnessing the full potential of AI-driven educational tools.
Nice question. I would recommend you to look into two initiatives:
First, the Report from Brookings, written by a colleague Emiliana Vegas. You have several experiences introducing digital skills and Computer Science (including AI) to developing countries.
Full report with examples at the end:
PDF report:
Another initiative is the toolkit from the Digital Promise:
Its central piece is inclusive pedagogies.
Gen Z students are in very different contexts so cultural relevancy will be critical in their different contexts whilst exploiting digitalised learning to bring different groups together to work together to achieve the SDG. AI raises its own challenges because demographic dividends suggest there is a lack of trained people in the labour market, so we need to mobilise digital learning with flexible pathways, Accreditation for Prior Learning and Prior Experiential Learning and enable candidates to build portfolio of micro credentials, but on the other hand AI is replacing the jobs candidates are being trained to do. So we need to train students to problem solve with the tools that will enable them to think independently and critically. Further, AI databases are built on current data which includes unconscious bias, so HEIs need to ensure that data used for Ai reverses all unconscious bias and boosts inclusion, diversity and equity. Our Consortium have submitted a bid to Horizon Europe 'Investing in Vocational and Educational Training with Professional Educators and Administrators Committees for Empowerment (IVET with PEACE) to mobilise doctoral study with educational leaders to train their staff to develop their own statistical models and feedback loops with students and parents to design an evidence based inclusive curriculum for diverse Gen-Z students and for lifelong learners that raises awareness of the benefits and challenges to AI in these diverse contexts.
It takes a forward-thinking strategy that recognises the influence of generative AI and welcomes diversity to provide an inclusive curriculum for diverse Gen-Z students in an uncharted and unsettling future. First and foremost, to prepare students for a constantly shifting environment, the curriculum must foster critical thinking, creativity, and flexibility. To ensure comprehension of the ethical implications of AI, it should include multidisciplinary topics like ethics and technology. Second, it's important to put inclusion first by valuing and promoting other cultures, viewpoints, and learning preferences. Individual requirements may be met via flexible evaluations and personalized learning routes. To promote empathy and understanding across other populations, it should also be emphasized that cooperation, teamwork, and global awareness are important. Finally, using digital platforms for feedback and co-creation, instructors and students should engage in continuing conversations to change the curriculum. An inclusive curriculum may equip Gen-Z students to succeed in an unpredictable future by embracing diversity, developing fundamental skills, and addressing the implications of generative AI.
To design an inclusive curriculum for diverse Gen-Z students in a rapidly changing climate, characterized by, inter alia, generative AI, requires reflective co-construction, change and creativity. Co-construction requires trust, listening and authentic interaction. For instance, those of us engaging with teaching or research born outside of the Gen-Z era have evolved wisdom and pedagogical experiences to share that will differ from those from within Gen-Z, and that is Ok, it is actually a strength because difference is a wonderful tool. However, because perspectives, understanding and expectations differ across generations and disciplines, there is a need to dialogue, to explore meaning and new ways forward. Dialoguing with other can unfold in lots of different styles, and will impact greatly on outcomes depending on the style of talking engaged with. Dialogic pedagogy promotes equity, expectation to participate and emotional intelligence during engagement with people, with humans, with 'other'. This means it is important to find time to discuss, get to know each other, develop trust, and try to remove professional ego's, so that dialogue creates opportunity to explore old ground and possible new opportunities.
I call it celebrating heterogeneity in the classroom. Curriculum should be rich in projects that bring out the inherent skills and qualities of diverse group of students. Moreover in a developing country, the projects should try to address the local problems and create a small but significant change. My 20 plus years of experience as course co-ordinator for a course attracting students from diverse economic, social and educational background taught me that having innovative student-led teaching learning methodology each semester through well curated project is the most effective curriculum delivery method. All the projects carried out including entreprenuerial ventures are chronicled in my website
Inclusive curriculums require a large degree of experiential learning. Over recent decades, curriculums in many countries have been designed according to PISA-led learning targets, which have squeezed out the space for adapting to new developments in the world and are often geared towards those with the most resources (private tutoring or private education can quite easily game this type of system). Experiential learning should be embedded in the curriculum using methods such as community-based research as well as placing more focus on citizenship education. Citizenship education - including subjects such as information literacy and learning about civic and political engagement - has the potential to enhance the learning of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds while also tackling head on critical developments such as AI and Climate Change. It can teach young people how to successfully adapt to these changes in terms of their academic and life skills.
Dear All
I am submitting herewith my thoughts on the Design of Inclusive curriculum for diverse Gen-Z students in the era of Generative AI.
1. Experiential Learning with Game based Design of the curriculum can address the number of problems of understanding of the diverse Gen-Z students.
2. Project Based Learning with specified Learning outcome and its assessment will be useful for effective and inclusive pedological aspects.
3. Designing a curricula with consideration of these aspects needs to be re-assessed by "Computational Thinking" in the era of "Information and Communication Technology" (ICT) with consideration of Tools of Generative AI.
4. Inclusive ICT tools for vocational education needs to be specified in the curriculum for participative learning through the engagement of Gen-Z students.
These suggestions are based upon the experiments that I carried out in the past and thus came out from the experience.
Yes, it's a good question, and answering it requires conducting scientific workshops and local scientific seminars for the sake of Reinstalling the appropriate educational curricula that the developing countries needs in light of the benefit of artificial intelligence
I concur with other experts answering your query that to design an inclusive curriculum for diverse learners, characterized by generative AI, requires careful consideration of several key aspects. Highlighted strategies and principles that can guide the curriculum design process include:
Flexibility and cultural relevance: Recognize the various environments in which Gen-Z learners are found and make sure the curriculum is culturally appropriate to their experiences. Offer adaptable learning paths that allow for individualized learning experiences that can fit various learning styles.
Transversal Skills: To educate learners for a continuously changing environment, the curriculum should encourage transversal skills of which critical thinking, innovation, and adaptability. Give them the tools they need to navigate generative AI's problems and uncharted futures critically and autonomously.
Inclusion and Diversity: Put the value and promotion of diverse cultures, points of view, and learning preferences at the forefront of curriculum design. To address individual needs, use flexible evaluations and individualized learning paths. To foster compassion and understanding among various communities, place a strong emphasis on collaboration, teamwork, and global awareness.
Ethical Implications of AI: AI's ethical repercussions Include cross-disciplinary subjects like technology and ethics to make sure learners are aware of the ethical implications of AI. Encourage debates and considerations regarding the ethical implications of AI applications.
Reflective co-construction and Dialogue: Encourage communication, dialogue, and genuine contact between teachers, learners, and other stakeholders. Participate in reflective co-construction processes that entail exchanging knowledge, insights, and viewpoints between generations and disciplines. To foster an atmosphere that encourages meaningful conversation and the discovery of new prospects, remove professional egos.
Experiential Learning and Projects: Include experiential learning strategies that highlight the innate talents and attributes of various learner groups, such as project-based learning. Create initiatives that deal with neighborhood issues, encouraging a sense of ownership and bringing about beneficial improvements in the neighborhood.
Citizenship education: Integrate citizenship education, which covers topics like information literacy and learning about civic and political engagement, into the curriculum. This gives learners of all backgrounds more agency, improves their academic and life skills, and gives them the tools they need to successfully adjust to important advances like artificial intelligence and climate change.
Incorporate Computational Thinking and Digital Tools: Consider computational thinking and leverage the affordances of digital tools to enhance participative learning and engage learners. Design curriculum components that utilize digital platforms for feedback, co-creation, and ongoing conversations between instructors and learners.
By incorporating these principles and strategies, one can develop such a robust curriculum. The curriculum should foster critical thinking, creativity, flexibility, and ethical awareness while promoting inclusion, diversity, and cooperation among learners and educators. In my opinion the key is that rather than focusing on Gen-Z, the curriculum designer should develop a robust framework based on active and personalised learning, putting the learner at the centre. This will ensure that when delivered, teaching and learning are contextualised, thus catering for the needs of each individual learner.
Good question and some very great points have been share by my fellow peers. Generation Z (Gen Z) students have largely replaced Millennials in undergraduate programmes, with institutions of higher education now primarily enrolling students from the former (Seemiller & Grace, 2016; Shatto & Erwin, 2016). With educators welcoming a new cohort of students to campus, there is a growing concern regarding how to effectively teach this ‘always-on’ generation; for example, a study by Pearson (2018) showed that almost half of all Gen Z-ers (47%) spend a minimum of three hours daily on YouTube. The Gen Z population, much like its predecessors – the Silent and Baby Boomer generations, followed by Generation X (Gen X) and Generation Y (also known as Millennials) – has its own unique, distinct characteristics that have been shaped by information communication technologies, social and cultural shifts, and financial volatility. As such, it is crucial for higher education institutions to effectively engage with Gen Z, in order for scholars, teachers, and university staff to understand their aforementioned characteristics (Seemiller & Grace, 2017; Shatto & Erwin, 2016; Shorey et al., 2021) and in turn, effectively and ethically integrate generative AI (GenAI) technologies into the curriculum. The changing student population and simultaneous technological advances, including GenAI, should be a stimulus for evaluation and potential modification of policy and pedagogical approaches within the traditional classroom and experiential learning settings. Furthermore, it is imperative to offer support to Gen X and Millennial teachers on GenAI technologies, by examining their perceptions and concerns, in order to reduce the gap of their expectations for promoting seamless integration and collaboration, ultimately improving the overall learning experience and harnessing the full potential of AI-driven educational tools.