Expert and fellow directory


Stanley Maphosa's picture
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Dr Stanley Maphosa works in the science advise, science communication and science diplomacy field at the Academy of Science of South Africa seven years now. Before that, he worked for 12 years for an International NGO- World Vision in transformational development, disaster risk management and advocacy. He has been a monitoring and evaluation specialist and leadership development practitioner. His work with The World Academy of Science sub Saharan Africa Regional Partner (TWAS SAREP) and ASSAf covers national, regional, Pan African and global levels of science. He has a PhD in Social Sciences- Specialising in Youth Sociology-Youth Participation in Decision Making Processes from the University of Fort Hare.
Pablo Selaya's picture
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Associate Professor of Economics at University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Research areas: Development economics, political economy.
Christina Gravert's picture
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Christina is an Assistant Professor in Behavioral Economics at the University of Copenhagen. She has been researching decision-making for over 10 years, collaborating with local and national governments, non-profits, and private companies to run large-scale RCTs; and publishing her work in top academic and policy journals. She is an elected board member of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Science. At the university, she teaches the Master's level courses "Science of Behavior Change" and "Field Experiments". Christina is a keynote speaker and workshop leader on nudging for behavior change, and has trained hundreds of executives who implement her method to change behavior.
judith teichman's picture
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Judith Teichman, is Professor of Political Science and International Development and a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Her research is on the politics of development, with a focus on economic and social policy. She is the author of five books, the co-author of one book, and author of over 40 articles on politics and development in the Global South and in Latin America. Her most recent book is The Politics of Inclusive Development. Policy, State Capacity and Coalition Building (2016).
Adrienne LeBas's picture
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Associate Professor of Government at American University's School of Public Affairs. My main research interests are taxation, democratic institutions, and the rule of law in sub-Saharan Africa. I use experiments, survey research, and qualitative research to understand how citizens interact with the state and organize to achieve better governance. I'm particularly interested in learning about policy interventions around improving security and services delivery in urban environments.
Claudia Persico's picture
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Claudia Persico is an applied policy scholar whose research focuses on environmental policy, inequality, health and education policy using causal inference methods. Persico is also a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), an IZA Institute of Labor Economics Research Affiliate, and a Research Affiliate with the with the Institute for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University. Her research has recently been featured in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of Labor Economics, and the Journal of Human Resources. Her current work examines the social and biological mechanisms underlying the relationships between poverty, the environment, and children’s cognitive development and health. In particular, much of her current research focuses on how early exposure to environmental pollution can cause inequality by affecting child and adult health, development, behavior, and academic achievement. She has also studied how school funding impacts long term outcomes, how school segregation affects racial disproportionalities in special education, and how childhood exposure to pollution affects academic outcomes. Her research has been covered by the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR, the Atlantic, and many other major media outlets. She was formerly an Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Suat Cubukcu's picture
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Dr. Suat Cubukcu (Ph.D., American University) is a Professorial Lecturer in the Department of Justice, Law, and Criminology at American University in Washington, D.C. His research focuses on policing, terrorism, extremism, and disinformation.
Zeynep Engin's picture
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Researcher - Data for Policy and Algorithmic Governance
Pantelis Koutroumpis's picture
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Pantelis Koutroumpis is a Lead Researcher in the Oxford Martin Programme of Technological and Economic Change at the Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford. Pantelis' main research interests are industrial economics and public policy.
Sarah Radcliffe's picture
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I am a development geographer, with extensive fieldwork and research experience in the Andes, particularly Ecuador and Peru. My work focuses on postcolonial intersectional hierarchies and their exclusionary interfaces with policymaking and development outcomes.

