Education and Digital Skills

Public E-team


SURVEY - Share your ideas, take the lead, participate.

Hello Everyone,

Following on from our launch event held on the 8th December 2021 (see outputs here), we invite you to complete the UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab Education and Digital Skills E-Team survey. This is your opportunity to share your ideas on how the E-Team should progress and your chance to be involved either as a participant or to take the lead in a particular area.

Please encourage people in your network to join the E-Team here on the Education and Digital Skills website page and please share the survey link.


Being involved in the Education and Digital Skills E-Team is an opportunity to be involved in key projects, co-create resources and develop ways to connect with internationalisation.  Your work and involvement in this E-Team can help you develop new skills / knowledge in a particular area, widen your network, progress your career and provide evidence of impact if you are working towards professional accreditation, such as,  Advance HE Fellowship.

Following the survey, we will be arranging a team meeting to share the survey findings and agree next steps.


We are looking forward to meeting with you again.


Best wishes,

Katharine and Lee

Co-Chairs of the Education and Digital Skills E-Team
