People of African Descent and the Sustainable Development Goals

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UN General Assembly adopts Resolution on Establishment of the Permanent Forum of People of African Descent, 2 August 2021

On 2 August 2021,  the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution A/75/314 establishing the Permanent Forum for People of African Descent.  You can watch proceedings leading to adoption of the Resolution here: General Assembly: 97th Plenary Meeting, 75th Session | UN Web TV.

A Written Statement on the Format, Modalities, Substantive and Procedural Aspects of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent, was made in response to the UN WGEPAD's Call for Submissions from civil society by H. B. Adediran Olaiya, Magister Artium He/Him/His | LinkedIn.

& earlier related consultations and events including international civil society here:

On the Occassion of the 1st International Day for People of African Descent 31 01 21
Celebrate! Madlala, UN Day and Decade for Afro-Descendants (

MIPAD Creative Women Panel

Permanent Forum on People of African Descent - Virtual informal consultation with Member States and Civil Society | UN Web TV

Civil Society Consultation - 28th session of Working Group of experts on people of African descent | UN Web TV

OHCHR | Forum for People of African Descent

Consultation with Civil Society - Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent | UN Web TV

Confronting the Silence: Perspectives and Dialogue on Structural Racism against People of African Descent Worldwide | UN Web TV

Other relevant links courtesy of Diaspora Rising include:

Facts about the Permanent Forum—DIASPORA RISING

A Global Commitment to Combatting Anti-Blackness: Why The World Needs a Permanent Forum on People of African Descent - Ms. Magazine (

What the UN Permanent Forum of People of African Descent signifies for Black Canadians - The Hill Times

Sacred Imagination and the Vision of a New UN Permanent Forum of People of African Descent | Bread for the World

Podcast discussing the importance of the Permanent Forum (from a UK perspective) Ornette D Clennon | Podcast on Spotify

You are also welcome to sign up here to join the UN PFPAD Working Group (
