People of African Descent and the Sustainable Development Goals

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United Nations Global Compact Leaders Summit, June 15-16, 2021

The UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2021 took place between June 15 and 16, 2021, which also marked the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour. The Summit was addressed by various dignatories from United Nations agencies including the UN Secretary General H.E. Antonio Guterres,  UN High Commissioner for Human Rights H.E. Michelle Bachelet, and CEO of the UN Global Compact Sanda Ojeambo. Discussions featured panels including representatatives of UN member states,  leaders of industry, academia, and other stakeholders. In her closing remarks the UN Deputy Secretary General H.E. Amina Mohammed, commended the Global Compact, its local networks, and all participants at the Summit, and highlighted the importance of the Global Compact's multilevel multistakeholder approach,  in the drive to create a sustainable future.

Narratives from plenary on "The Urgent Challenge of Human Rights & Racial Justice" 

" I am optimistic for a number of reasons ... we are at a very unique moment in time ... that we are having a discussion globally because so much momentum has built up. Dismantling and challenging structures is not easy but we are now in a global discussion, secondly a vast number of companies are taking the moment to stop and pause and have those discussions internally, how do they go beyond tokenism to address racial justice? Companies are fundamentally looking at what they need to shift internally..." Sanda Ojeambo, CEO of the UN Global Compact

"It is morally imperative that businesses participate in the Global Compact, but individuals can also acknowledge it is clear that we are living in a society that has created inequality through racism and discrimination. We must work to eliminate our unconscious biases, participate in the Global Compact but make (oneself) uncomfortable enough to amplify the voices of others, amplify everyone's humanity..."  Dr Wayne Frederick, President of Howard University.

Narratives from plenaries on "Human Rights & Labour Principles"

" Critical mass achieved to move forward with UN Global Compact and UN Guiding principles on business and Human Rights"

"Environment, sustainability and governance (ESG) and human rights due dilligence is becoming a business imperative, especially in the European Union where it is proposed that human rights due diligence becomes mandatory for private, public and third sector organisations. Awareness raising, collaborations and partnerships are key to achieving the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights."

"The increase in child labour in Africa outweighs reverses being made in other regions of the World. It is estimated there are 72.1 African children in child labour, of whom 31.5 million are in hazardous employment, e.g. agriculture and informal economy detrimental to their physical and moral development. "

"A better work environment to alleviate poverty, education as a continental goal; and incentives for business enterprises to contribute to this are recommended to reverse the adverse trend in African child labour."

Quo vadis, Smart Mix? Perspectives on mandatory human rights due diligence from Germany and the EU

"Smart mix needs smart dialogue"

"We need cross-sectoral inititiatives and sectoral standards that will enable human rights and environmental due diligence  ... we need to come from confrontation to cooperation"

"Human rights should not just be instrumentalised into campaigning against companies... this should be reflected in laws and regulations... "

"Key to (achieving) positive outcomes is quality due diligence "

"An element of strategic integration is something that plays a key role (for stakeholders enforcing human rights due diligence"

"A lot of businesses do not understand what is required from them, so it is government's job to inform them of voluntary and mandatory measures, and for them to interact with each other and learn from each other on how to integrate UN Guiding Principles and Human Rights into their policies"

"The UN Global Compact is uniquely placed to provide a safe space for SMART dialogue;  secondly a safe harbour in the guidelines and policies, has to be provided as a two-sided coin as safe currency for due diligence".

"Consumers should not be left out of the SMART mix and dialogue, in a conducive environment"

To change the conversation within the Global Compact into firm actions, what do we need to change as global stakeholders (private, public, or third sector) ?

See United Nations Global Compact: Overview | LinkedIn

2021 SDG Pioneers | UN Global Compact

Living Wage | UN Global Compact

Child Labour (

Investigation finds plastic from the UK and Germany illegally dumped in Turkey - Greenpeace International

Five Points Youth Foundation

Global Responsibility | The GRLI

SDG 16 Business Framework: Inspiring Transformational Governance (

Financial algorithms that deliver outperformance (

UN Global Compact E-learning Course for Sustainable Enterprise  SDG Activation (
Uniting against Corruption: A Playbook on Anti-Corruption Collective Action | UN Global Compact

Curriculum Framework: Education for Sustainable Development (

 Press Release  UNPRME

PRiMEtime – PRiMEtime brings together good practices on how to mainstream sustainability into business education globally. (

NB. In line with UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Germany has mandated human rights and environmental due diligence through legislation passed on June 11, 2021.


24 Jun 2021 18:35

On 23 June 2021, the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmngly to adopt draft Resolution A/75/L97, which calls for an end to the government of the USA's economic, commercial and financial embargo of Cuba. See

24 Jun 2021 18:56

The Global North: U.S. and European economies after COVID-19

A Raymond Aron Lecture featuring Laurence Boone and Jason Furman
     U.S. and European economies after COVID-19 (

12 Aug 2021 12:46

UN Global Cpmpact Network UK hosted a number of sessions on "Localising the Global Goals" as a part of their Responsible Business & SDGs Summit, which can be found here: Responsible Business & SDGs Summit: Localising the Global Goals

12 Aug 2021 12:51

Correction of previous post: UN Global Compact Network UK hosted a number of sessions on "Localising the Global Goals" as a part of their Responsible Business & SDGs Summit, which can be found here: (9) Responsible Business & SDGs Summit: Localising the Global Goals - YouTube

27 Aug 2021 17:09

The following presentation by Samuel Matsukire, Columbia University Human Rights Fellow (2016) was made to a Pre-Conference event of the Pan African ILGA on 27 August 2021, and highlights some national, regional and international processes for development and inclusion of LGBTI persons.
