Inclusive education in Indonesia: from evidence to action


Indonesia’s National Working Group on Valorization of Evidence, a part of the Inclusive Policy Lab, has concluded its project on evidence and its use in inclusive education.


The project actors – knowledge producers, policy makers, and social actors – focused on specific concerns of availability, accessibility and use of evidence in inclusive education policymaking in the country. The work delivered:

  •  Situational analyses to identify existing opportunities, barriers and scalable models for the routine flow and usage of domestically-produced evidence in inclusive  education policy; and
  •  Hands-on and targeted guidelines on improving the current mechanisms and practices with regard to evidence and its uptake in this critical policy area


 A final workshop to present and validate the results was organized by the Group in Jakarta on 8 January.


 Inclusive development is a pillar of the SDGs. This project enables a step towards Indonesia’s commitment to equitable and quality education (SDG 4), reduction of inequalities (SDG10), and inclusive systems (SDG 16).


 The work and the products delivered by the Group can be followed through the dedicated e-team on the Inclusive Policy Lab.



 This effort, funded by the Malaysian government, is part of a broader regional project on evidence in inclusive policies in Indonesia, Malaysia and, the Philippines.

