Welcome to The Policy Nerd podcast by the UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab. This is the place where top thinkers come to talk concrete data and debate policy solutions that would reset us along a more equitable and smarter path.
The guest today is Mark Esposito. He is a Professor of Economics at Hult International Business School, Professor of Public Policy at Mohamed Bin Rashid School of Government and Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University. He is a Harvard social scientist with affiliations with the Center for International Development at Harvard Kennedy School, the Institute for Quantitative Social Science and the Davis Center for Eurasian Studies. His expertise lies, amongst other areas, in crisis, resilience and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The host is UNESCO’s Iulia Sevciuc.
Together they dissect the concrete markers of a resilient system and discuss what helps it withstand (and possibly thrive in) turmoil. The number of shocks will only increase, hence it is high time to in-build agility and implicit fragility into our systems. When it comes to governance and decision-making, there is a lot of destigmatization that needs to be done on the concept of failure. In crisis, the speed of response and pivoting may be more critical than accuracy. Yet we’re bound by institutional legacies that have not been stress-tested for the mega challenges of today and operate under the assumption that decision-making must be successful 100 percent. How to reform? Follow this episode for concrete solutions.
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Mark Esposito is Professor of Economics at Hult International Business School, Professor of Public Policy at Mohamed Bin Rashid School of Government, and Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University. He is a Harvard social scientist with affiliations with the Center for International Development at Harvard Kennedy School, at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science and the Davis Center for Eurasian Studies.
Iulia Sevciuc is UNESCO’s lead on inclusive policies and data-driven policy change. Prior to this appointment, Iulia worked with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on similar agendas.
The facts, ideas and opinions expressed in this video are those of the presenter; they are not necessarily those of UNESCO or any of its partners and stakeholders and do not commit nor imply any responsibility thereof. The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this piece do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.