Youth Health and Wellbeing

Public E-team


Catherine Carty's picture
Short description: 
UNESCO Chair Project Manager UNESCO Chair Project Manager "Transforming the Lives of People with Disabilities, their Families and Communities, Through Physical Education, Sport, Recreation and Fitness". Institute of Technology Tralee Co Kerry Ireland Phone: +353 66 7144194 Mobile: +353 87 2868250
Ani Wierenga's picture
Short description: 
Dr Ani Wierenga is a researcher, author and educator with a local and global focus on creating strong and live-able futures, especially with and for younger generations. Enjoying developing the art of the impossible, her early career experiences as youth practitioner shaped her as a strategic thinker and program leader, now equipping others across the higher education industry, government, decision makers and community. As a cross-disciplinary communicator she brings research and practice expertise in young people's wellbeing, learning, engagement, citizenship and active social participation. With a long-standing interest in addressing social inequalities, she has a strong interest in global sustainability, and a passion for communities of practice who work with young people.
Carla Treloar's picture
Short description: 
Professor in Social Research of Marginalisation. I do research with people who use drugs, are at risk and live with hepatitis C, people in prison, sex workers and Aboriginal people with these experiences. I contribute to large scale evaluations of new models of care for marginalised people; I run a national stigma indicators project for blood borne viruses. I run a Community Reference Panel to provide a way for researchers to consult with people with lived experience. I work in health and social policy via positions on government, health agency and community advisory committees.
Sue Vize's picture
Short description: 
UNESCO Regional Adviser for Social and Human Sciences in Asia and the Pacific. Sue has a background in community natural resource management and working with youth. She has worked mainly in the Asia and Pacific region and joined UNESCO in 2006.
Rafael Arredondo Quijada's picture
Short description: 
Social Worker for twenty-five years in constant learning. Since the intervention in the field of addictions, and in the youth and children, addressing the problems of housing and eviction arising from the crisis in 2008, have marked my professional and academic development. Professor at the University of Málaga, Doctor in Research and Social and Community Intervention. Committed in the professional development of Social Work as president of the Professional College in Málaga and member of the General Council of Spain.
Helena Belchior-Rocha's picture
Short description: 
Social Work PhD in ISCTE-IUL, assistant professor and researcher in the áreas of environmental, sustainability, ethics, education. Teacher in ethics, health, civil society and also transversal skills (Critical thinking, Conflict Management, Team Work, Social Responsibility and Voluntarism and sustainability). Vice diretor of the Soft Skills Lab.

