Valorising evidence on inclusive social development Philippines

Public E-team



The team is concerned with examining (a) mechanisms, (b) models and (c) capacities, both institutional and human, required for systemic and systematic production and usage of locally-produced evidence in the inclusive policy design and planning processes in the Philippines. Emphasis is placed on evidence fit for the purposes of the SDGs and their inclusive policy pillar – i.e., evidence that is increasingly equity-weighted, integrated, multi-dimensional, and policy-sensitive. The main deliverable of such work is an up-to-date and comparative analysis the aforementioned practices in the Philippines. The work will be ultimately geared towards identification of practices and mechanisms which could be extrapolated and replicated, after an appropriate level of customization and contextualization, at a larger scale and in the different sub-national and sectoral contexts.

Geographical area: South-East Asia
Theme(s) of intervention: Economic policy / inclusive economic development, Inclusive social development / inclusive societies / social inclusion
Created: 26 Oct 2016
Latest update: 18 Feb 2017


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