Sustainability Science: MOST School SUS SA

Private E-team


Olga Bialostocka's picture
Short description: 
I'm a researcher at the Africa Institute of South Africa within the Human Sciences Research Council (South Africa).
Julie Carlisle's picture
Short description: 
I was a Director of the Garden Route Biosphere Reserve and prepared the submission to UNESCO for its declaration. I have worked for 30 years in various environmental and community development capacities, including animal husbandry and rehabilitation, environmental education, project development, fundraising, implementation and management. In 2011 I did a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) in order to enhance my abilities to understand, interface and engage with corporate entities. My research focused on the relevance of social capital in the success of cooperatives in small communities.
Charaf Ahmimed's picture
Short description: 
Mr Ahmimed has extensive work experience in public policy and international development. He was appointed to the Cabinet of the Director-General of UNESCO to manage the Strategic Transformation process of the Organisation. Prior to joining UNESCO (Cabinet, South East Asia, Central America, and Soutern Africa) Mr Ahmimed was Senior Programme Officer with Canada’s International Development Research Centre. He advised various departments of the Government of Canada, including Privy Council Office and Department of Foreign Affairs on matters related to foreign affairs and international development. Mr Ahmimed has also worked at IMPACT (former Partnership Africa Canada), United Nations Development Programme, and Council of Europe. He collaborated with international organisations such as Crisis Group, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and contributed to the work of social sciences institutions such as FLACSO, CLACSO, and CODESRIA. Mr Ahmimed’s recent publications include: Intercultural dialogue: A tool for young people to address exclusion in southern Africa (Journal of Intercultural Communication, vol. 50, 2019); Changing youth realities: perspectives from Southern Africa (UNESCO, 2019); Youth political participation in Costa Rica (Critica y Emancipación, vol. 3, no 2, 2015); Role of media in the promotion of sustainable development and culture of peace (UNESCO, 2015); and Public policies and social inclusion in South-East Asia (Trinity College/Melbourne University/UNESCO, 2014). Mr Ahmimed is a Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Sociology of the University of Cape Town. He is conducting research on the social reintegration of migrants’ returnees. He obtained a Masters in International Relations (Laval University, Canada), and a B.A. in Communication and Politics (University of Montreal, Canada). He has worked and lived in Morocco, Canada, Bulgaria, France, Indonesia, Costa Rica and Zimbabwe and has traveled on official and peer-reviewed monitoring missions to over 61 countries. He speaks fluently French, English, Arabic, and Spanish.
Alexandra Albert's picture
Short description: 
Senior Researcher - Centre for Collective Intelligence Design, NESTA
Irakli Khodeli's picture
Short description: 
Programme Specialist, Social and Human Sciences Sector, UNESCO
