People of African Descent and the Sustainable Development Goals

Public E-team


The COVID-19 Health Crisis: Racism and Xenophobia During The State of Alarm In Spain

"Este informe está dedicado a todas las víctimas de la violencia racial y de las condiciones que ésta genera, las personas privadas a diario del derecho a alzar la voz y las que no podrán alzarla nunca más..."

English Translation; "This report is dedicated to all the victims of racial violence, as well as to all the persons who every day are deprived from the right to raise their voices and those who will never be able to speak..."

Drafting: Esther Mamadou Youssef M. Ouled Isabelle Mamadou Lydia Vicente Márquez

Translation: Elsa Martínez Esteve

Photography: Teresa Palomo

Design & Layout: Jose Murillo

The link to the English Translation of the report may be found at

