Learning in Research-based Teaching/Learning Projects

Public E-team



The aim of this E-team is to present experiences gained through research-based learning within the study program of Social Work and Childhood Pedagogy at Saarland University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes) in Germany. It will be shown how our students, using scientific procedures, become familiar with internal logics of professional practice with respect to life transitions, how they transfer them to their own educational process, and how they render them transparent for themselves and others. The innovative model to be presented, implemented in the curricula of our research-based teaching/learning projects, makes research-based learning possible, strengthening the professionalism of social work in Europe. Its practical relevance is being established through the international Summer Schools which take place at Saarland UAS.

Geographical area: Other
Theme(s) of intervention: Education, Inclusive social development / inclusive societies / social inclusion, Social policy
Created: 06 Sep 2017
Latest update: 24 Nov 2022


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