Infusing Experiential Education throughout the Undergraduate BSW

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Infusing Experiential Education throughout the Undergraduate BSW Curriculum

Presented by Andy Dunlap, Ph.D. and Susan Mapp Ph.D. Elisabethtown College, Pennsylvania, USA.


Many social work programs are designed with an internship or apprenticeship as a
capstone learning experience. However, the benefit of experiential learning throughout the
curriculum is often undervalued. Service learning is one such strategy that uses community
engagement as a vehicle for learning social work concepts and practicing basic skills. In this
interactive workshop, participants will learn the value of including service learning at the early
stages of undergraduate social work education, develop strategies for overcoming barriers to
implementation, and practice linking service learning with existing curricular goals.

Geographical area: Other
Theme(s) of intervention: Education, Social innovation / public sector innovation / policy innovation
Created: 06 Sep 2017
Latest update: 24 Nov 2022

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