Inclusive and equity-weighted policies in Malawi, SA, Nigeria

Private E-team



Inclusive Development: Implementing the SDGs through inclusive and equity-weighted policies held in Durban 28th-29th June 

With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, a path-breaking global commitment to inclusiveness and equity was secured. The 2030 Agenda is premised on such a change. Despite their strength at the discourse levels, inclusive development and inclusive policy are still evolving agendas that remain largely non-operationalized in policy and programmatic terms. These pending tasks became urgent.

This E-team was created to follow-up on the work done at the workshop and to continue the discussion and capacity-building required for the creation of Inclusive Development.

Geographical area: Southern Africa, Western Africa
Theme(s) of intervention: Inclusive social development / inclusive societies / social inclusion, Sustainable Development Goals
Created: 28 Sep 2018
Latest update: 24 Nov 2022

Outcome Documents

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