Human Development Research Initiative_LGBT+ community in Paris

Public E-team


Ana Relinque López's picture
Short description: 
Ana Relinque López is a postgraduate student in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action at the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po Paris with concentrations in African Studies and migrations. She obtained her bachelor's degree in Social Work at University of Cádiz spending one year at Stockholm University. Currently she is interning at Foundation for Human Rights Initiative in Kampala, Uganda. Moreover, she is researcher in the Inclusivity Lab division at Human Development Research Initiative. Previously, she worked as an European projects assistant at the Croatian NGO Informo.
Renske Buisman's picture
Short description: 
Dual degree student at SciencesPo and Fudan, studying Europe and Asia in Global Affairs. Focus on environmental issues and global politics.
Giorgia Davidovic's picture
Short description: 
Masters student in International Development at Sciences Po Paris, currently working as research coordinator at think tank Human Development Research Initiative (HDRI) while doing an internship at the NGO Positive Planet
