European Minority Parliamentarians Caucus.

Public E-team



The European Minority Parliamentarians Caucus (EMPC) is committed to promoting and protecting the rights of minorities in all spheres of political, economic, and social life. We are guided by the principles of equality, justice, and human rights, of the United Nations, and we believe that every individual deserves dignity and respect regardless of ethnicity, race, religion, or language.
Our caucus, which is transnational and cross-party, is founded on three core principles:


  1. Advocacy for minority rights. 
  2. Reparations
  3. Evidence-based data collection 


We also have two tailored mentoring programs 


  • Peer-to-Peer mentoring between minority parliamentarians in Europe and those in the Global South. 
  • Mentor-to-mentee educational program between minority members of parliament and people interested in learning public policy.
Geographical area: Other
Theme(s) of intervention: e-Transformation / e-Governance
Created: 16 May 2023
Latest update: 17 May 2023


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