Think pieces


Expert workstreams

The UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab curates a limited number of expert workstreams. These bring to the forefront analysis by leading thinkers from across countries. Follow our experts as they push the frontiers of policy thinking and debate hands-on solutions to the big challenges of today. 

Breaking data silos: empowering individuals through secure data exchanges

Data governance regimes have created highly protected and siloed ecosystems that present disproportionate barriers for vulnerable communities who cannot gain access to their own data needed for services. Rahul Mathan and Shreya Ramann propose employing India’s Data Empowerment and Protection Architecture (DEPA) as a global template to build standardised, secure, seamless and inclusive data empowerment solutions across jurisdictions.

A lesson from U.S. tax reforms: look beyond GDP

Despite evidence to the contrary, policymakers disproportionately prioritize anticipated effects on economic growth over actual outcomes. Wendy Edelberg breaks down why economic growth is an insufficient metric for evaluating tax reforms, and how a more comprehensive approach could align better with broader societal goals.

Use 'more cheer, less fear' for effective climate communication

Optimism is associated with action-oriented behaviour, so how we frame a policy determines how effectively it is received. Danielle Kent explains how a few shifts in communication can influence the future of investment around climate change.

Diversity in technology design – from economic strategy to social justice imperative

What does diversity in technology development truly mean? Ruby Pappoe and Laura Schelenz explore the complexities of diversity in tech design and how it relates to social justice.

Cost of survival: examining crisis impacts in Ontario

People with disabilities experience lasting impacts from a crisis, and last resort social assistance connects them to networks and services that enable survival. Ferdosi, Graefe, Lewchuk and Ross follow the factors at play by engaging with recipients of disability support in Ontario.

Eco-social policy – we need to question the premise

Eco-social policies focused on labour market inclusion fail to question the power imbalances in current socioeconomic structures. Francesco Laruffa explores how rethinking policy design for development can transform the policies produced for eco-social goals.

