Integrated and multidimensional continuums


Step 1 Select a dimension of ex/inclusion Open

Selected: Multidimensional

Exclusion and inequality operate along social, civic, political, cultural and economic axes. These dimensions form a self-reinforcing circle. They serve, in essence, as triggers and/or transmission channels. Deprivation in one of them often results in precariousness and marginalization in the rest.


For example, the circle could be set in motion by exclusion from education, including life-long learning, and result in unemployment and overall underperformance in the economic dimension. This factor could, in return, feed into further social service deprivation in terms of health care and/or social protection, reduced participation in political and civic life, and hampered involvement in cultural affairs. 


Such multi-dimensionality and progressivity make inclusion a critical lens for policy design and delivery. They translate into four inclusive policy markers.

Step 2 Select an Inclusive Policy Marker Open

Selected: Continuum of interventions

Inclusive policies are often designed not as one-off interventions but as well-coordinated continuums of such. Think of them as (social value) chains. Two design considerations help in this regard.  

Step 3 Select a Policy Design Consideration

Selected: Integrated and multidimensional continuums

Inclusive policies often need to put in place integrated, multidimensional and multi-stakeholder continuums of interventions that lead to the delivery of the final “good” of welfare and inclusion of individuals in a given society. Such mechanisms should be made sense of and managed only as a coherent whole. Special consideration should be given to interventions with a chain reaction and knock-on effect on multiple axes of inclusion (i.e., economic, social, civic and cultural) and on the overall supra-goal of inclusion.


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