User directory


Rodrigo Arocena's picture
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My field of expertise is Development Studies. I am particularly interested in knowledge democratization as a strategy for Sustainable Human Development.
Patrick Saez's picture
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Patrick Saez is a senior policy fellow on loan from the UK’s Department for International Development where he serves as a Senior Humanitarian Adviser. His research focuses on the international response to humanitarian crises and reform of the international humanitarian system. Over the past decade he has advised the UK Government on a range of humanitarian policy issues, including protection of civilians and forced displacement, leadership in the humanitarian system, cash transfers in crises, and risk-based financing as well as DFID’s engagement with key UN, Red Cross, and other non-governmental humanitarian organisations. He co-authored the UK’s Strategy on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict and authored the latest UK Humanitarian Reform Policy. He was DFID’s lead adviser on the Syria crisis from the onset of the crisis to 2015 and was responsible for DFID’s £135m core humanitarian funding to the UN. Most recently he led DFID’s initial response to the crisis in Venezuela and its impact on neighbouring countries. Saez previously worked with the International Committee of the Red Cross where he headed the development of ICRC’s policy on the protection of civilians and served as delegate, protection co-ordinator and head of office in Colombia, Kosovo and Indonesia. He had previously worked with humanitarian NGOs in the Balkans, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Valentina Duque's picture
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Valentina received her Ph.D. in Social Policy from Columbia University in 2015 and then pursued a Postdoc at the Department of Economics at the University of Michigan. Her research interests are in health economics, human capital, and economic development. In particular, her work has concentrated on understanding different factors that contribute to the process of human capital formation and the transmission of poverty across generations, in both developed and developing countries. Her recent projects have focused on studying the long-term effects of social policies on educational and health outcomes and on how disadvantaged families' greater exposure to shocks (e.g., environmental, violence, economic fluctuations, etc.) translate into lower human capital outcomes for their children.
Matthew Wood's picture
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Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Sheffield. My book Hyper-active Governance shows why an inclusive approach to policy expertise is important for ensuring legitimate and effective policy decisions.
James Wilsdon's picture
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James Wilsdon is Professor of Research Policy at the University of Sheffield and Director of the Research on Research Institute, a new global consortium of research funders working to advance transformative & translational ‘meta-research', to inform more open, diverse and strategic research systems. He is also vice-chair of the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA). An interdisciplinary social scientist, he works on the politics and governance of research, and the relationship between evidence and decision-making. Over his career, in addition to posts at the universities of Sheffield, Sussex and Lancaster, he has worked in think tanks and as director of science policy for the Royal Society, the UK’s national academy of science. His recent publications include The Biomedical Bubble (Nesta 2018) and The Metric Tide (HEFCE/Sage, 2015). He is a Fellow of the UK’s Academy of Social Sciences, serves on the editorial board of the open access journal Palgrave Communications, and is on twitter @jameswilsdon.
Kelvin Lee's picture
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I am currently a Lecturer with the Singapore University of Social Sciences teaching climate science and its impacts on society. I had graduated with my PhD from the Australian National University where I examined the institutional and societal factors behind individuals' environmental valuations. Prior to this, I had worked briefly as a Researcher at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) writing on international trade among APEC economies, and had previously been a Research Assistant examining European countries' external debt at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP), National University of Singapore (NUS). Earlier, I had obtained my Master in Public Policy degree from the LKYSPP after a stint with the Energy Market Authority, Government of Singapore. My undergraduate degree is in Political Science where I graduated with First Class Honors from the NUS before I became a Teaching Assistant upon invitation.
Ivana Damjanovic's picture
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Dr Ivana Damjanovic is a Lecturer in Law at the University of Canberra and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for European Studies of the Australian National University. Her research is interdisciplinary, encompassing issues of law and politics in international investment global regime, with particular focus on the European Union and its external investment, trade and climate change policies.
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Demetrios Sarantis is Postdoctoral Fellow at UNU-EGOV. Demetrios graduated in Electrical and Computer Engineering by the National Technical University of Athens, holds a MSc in Operational Research and Information Systems from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a PhD in e-Government from the National Technical University of Athens. He has been employed in software industry and in the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT), deploying and managing information systems and services and supporting database information infrastructures. He has also worked as researcher in e-Government Unit in Decision Systems Laboratory of School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), participating in national and international research projects, in the areas of Government Transformation, Interoperability Frameworks, eParticipation, eGovernment, Process Modelling and Re-engineering in Public Sector. He has worked as researcher in Yale University (USA) in the area of Ontology Data Modelling in Biomedicine. His current research interests are Data Modelling-Ontologies, e-Governance. Public Administration, Information Systems Interoperability and Smart Cities.
Carlos Eduardo Morreo's picture
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Executive Officer, Institute of Postcolonial Studies, Melbourne - Australia Associate Editor, Alternatives: global, local, political (published in collaboration with Sage) Managing Editor, Bandung: Journal of the Global South
Mark Melatos's picture
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I am Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Sydney, Australia. My research focuses on international trade theory and policy, especially the optimal design of regional trade agreements. My work has been published in academic journals such as the European Economic Review, The World Economy and Economics Letters. I have consulted for the OECD’s Trade and Agriculture Directorate on several projects including measuring the impacts of regional trade agreements and non-tariff barriers. I have also been invited to advise Australian Government inquiries into matters related to international trade and investment.

