User directory


Claudio Labanca's picture
Short description: 
Claudio Labanca is lecturer in the Department of Economics. He joined the department in 2017 after completing his Ph.D. in Economics at the University of California, San Diego. His research falls at the intersection of labor economics and public economics and it covers a variety of topics, including wage and productivity differentials across firms, the effects of taxation on the supply of labor and the impact of migration on local labor markets. In his work he pays particular attention to the role played by the interaction between worker and firm behavior in shaping demand and supply of labor, wages and productivity. To estimate these interactions, he applies the latest econometric techniques to detailed matched employer-employee data.
Bella Aung's picture
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Bella Aung is a doctoral student researching the relationship between political parties and ethnic women's representation in the three branches of government (legislative, executive, and judicial) in Myanmar. Decolonizing academia and incorporating the lived experiences of indigenous and minority people into academic discourse are her ultimate goals as a researcher. Her research interests include gender and ethnic representation in North America (Canada and the United States) and Southeast Asia, particularly Myanmar (Burma). She is also very passionate about gendered and racialized experiences of individuals with mental illnesses and/or disabilities in academia. She is a firm believer that strong mental health and wellness support needs to be continually accessible for marginalized academics.
Augustus Panton's picture
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Augustus is an Economist in the Research Department at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington, D.C.
Megan Lang's picture
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I am a development economist with training and research in energy/environment and behavioral economics. My research studies how underlying constraints like market frictions and behavioral biases interact with the process of sustainable development. I specifically combine applied microeconomic theory with randomized control trials and natural experiments to study challenges in achieving universal energy access and gender equality.
Nina Teasdale's picture
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Research interests include gender, work, organisations, paid and unpaid care work.
Susan Godt's picture
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Experienced, passionate, committed and forever optimistic development professional and change agent who has spent her life working with others to build a just society. Over 30 years engagement in social development at community, national, regional levels in sub-Saharan Africa: strategy and programme development and implementation; strategic funding of research for development; networking and learning based programming. Currently completing doctorate in policy research and practice: education and health provision.
Michael Breen's picture
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Dr. Michael Breen is an Associate Professor at the School of Law and Government, Dublin City University. His research is focused on international political economy, particularly the politics of finance, the role of international organisations in the global economy, and the International Monetary Fund. He is also interested in the political economy of corruption and anti-corruption policies and is co-director of DCU's Anti-Corruption Research Centre. He has written many articles on these topics, including articles in International Studies Quarterly, the Journal of Common Market Studies, European Union Politics, and the European Journal of International Relations. His most recent book publication is the co-authored, Resilient Reporting: Media Coverage of Irish Elections Since 1969 (Manchester University Press, 2019). His first book, The Politics of IMF Lending, was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2013. He is an External Associate of the Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation at the University of Warwick. He is also a member of Transparency International's expert advisory network. In 2018, he was a Visiting Fellow at the European University Institute, Italy. From 2016-18, he completed a two-year term as a member of the Royal Irish Academy's International Affairs Committee. He was Secretary of the Political Studies Association of Ireland (2014-5) and Programme Chairperson of DCU’s MA in International Relations and MA in International Security and Conflict Studies (2012-2017).
Abdelhakim Abidi's picture
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Formateur expert en douane
Nesma Attiatalla's picture
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Yuqing Wu's picture
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Sociology PhD student studying media, communication, soft power, and national images at Yale University.

