User directory


Joao Rafael Cunha's picture
Short description: 
I am a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the School of Economics and Finance at the University of St Andrews. I am also a member of the Institute of Legal and Constitutional Research and Centre for Global Law and Governance. Previously, I was a Research Fellow in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Cambridge, a Max Weber Fellow in the Robert Schuman Centre and the Department of Economics at the European University Institute and a Marie Curie Research Fellow at the London School of Economics. My research interests include Financial Regulation, Banking, Political Economy, Law and Economics, Economic History, Macro-Finance, International Macroeconomics and Finance. Website:
Jithin Jose's picture
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Jithin Jose is a Research Manager at LEAD with research interests spanning across public health and its intersections with finance, gender and women empowerment. His work encompasses research areas like Financial Inclusion and its sub categories such as financial incentive programs, risk assessment and insurance; Public Health and its sub categories such as maternal and child health; and empowerment initiatives focusing on women's economic empowerment. Prior to joining the organisation, he worked as a Research Consultant with J-PAL South Asia in Bangalore. He has also interned at the Asian Development Research Institute, Patna and Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum. Jithin holds a Master’s degree in Economics from Gokhale Institute of Politics & Economics and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from University Of Delhi.
Maiyoraa Jeyabraba's picture
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Maiyoraa is a PhD candidate whose research focuses on democratisation, conflict, nonviolent and violent mobilisation, and quantitative methods. Maya holds an MSc in International Relations from the University of Essex and a BA in Politics and Economics from the University of Nottingham. Prior to starting her PhD studies, Maiyoraa worked at Demos, Britains leading cross-party think tank. She worked on a diverse range of topics, including inequalities, welfare reform, and local economic growth. Her work involved conducting qualitative and quantitative research shaping British public policy. Maiyoraa has also worked in the third sector on the Rohingya Crisis conducting research on malnutrition in refugee children. Her aim is to regain control of the untold narratives she, and others in the South Asian diaspora, have inherited from their ancestral home, which are all too often restructured through a western lens.
Ian Gough's picture
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Ian Gough is Visiting Professor in CASE (Centre for the Analysis of Social Exclusion) and an Associate of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, both at the London School of Economics. He is also Emeritus Professor at the University of Bath. His past books include The Political Economy of the Welfare State; A Theory of Human Need; Global Capital, Human Needs and Social Policies; Insecurity and Welfare Regimes in Asia, Africa and Latin America; and Wellbeing in Developing Countries. His latest book titled Heat, Greed and Human Need: Climate Change, Capitalism and Sustainable Wellbeing, was published in October 2017, preceded by a range of articles in academic journals including the Cambridge Journal of Economics and the Royal Society Philosophical Abstracts. He is now researching a set of related issues, including universal basic services, maximum income, a consumption ceiling, and inessential versus essential work.
Bárbara Manganote's picture
Short description: 
Diploma in Law. Nowadays, I am doing a post graduate program in Applied Constitutional Law at UNICAMP, and another post graduate program in Human Rights at IGC - University of Coimbra. I am really involved with the human rights cause, specially in gender equality, I do a volunteer programme with women in vulnerable conditions to talk about feminism and gender, I also participate in a group named "Coletivo Ação Covid-19", to study the impact of the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil's society. In the past I had had the opportunity to do a volunteer programme in India to teach math and english to women, I have already participated in International Human Rights Congress at Coimbra/Portugal. I am always looking for new opportunities to study and to work with human rights, and I pursue to have a professional career in this area.
Fathi BEN LARBI's picture
Short description: 
Expert pour l'Union Européenne Santé Sécurité au Travail et Ergonomie, Personnalité Compétente pour l'ANSES (Agence Nationale de sécurité Sanitaire de l'Alimentation de l'Environnement et du Travail France) et Médecin du Travail de formation, membre expert de la Commission Internationale de la Santé au travail (CIST/ICOH), je partage la Législation Européenne et Internationale (BIT/ILO) et mon expérience au quotidien dans le domaine médico-social et interviens en Conseil à l'International auprès des entreprises, cabinets d'expertise, organisations internationales et gouvernements.
Harold Mera León's picture
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Researcher and PhD student in Social and Political Science now conducting a mix method research project combining statistical data analysis techniques and empirical field work. Extensive experience in social policy frameworks designs as well as programs and projects methodologies and implementation. Experienced in policy adjustments, international affairs and development issues. Deeply interested in the comprehension of social and economic behaviors driving modern societies, especially in adverse circumstances during the childhood. Now specializing in sociological early childhood policies. Therefore, constantly learning about research techniques and literature regarding the specific subject of interest.
Imelda Whelehan's picture
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Dean, Graduate Research School, University of Western Australia
Maria Fratzi's picture
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Psychologist, working in counseling with adults and adolescents. Interest in social innovation and culture.
David Hansen's picture
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Lecturer in Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

