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Priority policies for building an inclusive digital economy

What policies are needed to build a truly inclusive digital economy - one which can deliver major social benefits to vulnerable people and marginalised communities?

Expert 31 Aug 2017 21:00

This is part of the subject matter of numerous articles and books.  The key is to extend high-speed Internet access to all, and that usually requires some kind of subsidies. The poorest and most remote population are the most costly to reach. Universal service funds of one sort or another can potentially solve the problem.  After the broadband infrastructure comes digital literacy training and other forms of mentoring/assistance. Small business support organizations (e.g. Brazil's SEBRAE - Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas ) can include such programs.

Expert 04 Sep 2017 12:34

Next to internet access - one needs to consider e-government and training.
Two FP6 projects have dealt with this issue.
ELOST (E-Government for Low Socio-Economic Status Groups):
DIEGO (Putting accessibility at the heart of e-government):
