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Overcoming obstacles for unaccompanied minors to continue onwards into higher education

Would anyone be able to show good examples of policies or projects that are supporting young unaccompanied minors to continue onwards into higher education?
I understand that in EU countries high fees are a barrier for students and a disadvantage language wise, as well as not knowing the system. I am working with a group of young migrants and we want to push for better support for them to be able to continue in education and in order to give them the skills to better integrate.

Expert 07 Sep 2017 17:27

Unfortunately, often policies for MSNA are based on a culture of dependency. Anyway, you can find some description of policies for students and researchers in the European Migrant Network Report, at the link:
 In Italy it exixts the system of “dowry”: the "qualifying dowry" for the realization of a personalized intervention plan for the valorisation and development of skills and the "employment dowry", intended for promotion of job insertion paths. Most of the dowrys used were "employment dowry", because for the MSNA the internship was more considered attractive and useful. The financed interventions are all intended to be personalized (document of the Commission of Camera dei Deputati (a branch of the Parliament) on enquiry on immigration policies -apploved 2 of July 2017, rel on: Carnevali-)
