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How i can improve physical education classes

I wamt to have an fun loving and healthy classes with my students..

Expert 24 May 2018 0:22

Where to start???
I would suggest familarising yourself with the UNESCO QPE Guidelines and work from there. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask a specific question and we will try and answer it as soon as possible with the best evidence we have available. The link to the UNESCO QPE Guidelines is


Expert 31 Jul 2019 8:17

I've just found your comment, it is a bit old message but I thought I could share some info., so I decided to describe tip info.
Well, 1st of all, I regret I can't see your national curriculum, so it will be difficult to explain the exact method. but I strongly recommend you to follow the instruction and general contents of the national curriculum with modification.

2nd of all, you can use QPE guideline which has shown by prof. Dean in the last message, In this QPE guide-line, it shows you need to adapt your curriculum into your lesson, but you should study some part of PE knowledge.

1) Pedagogical knowledge
Need to understand why giving each of your PE lessons. Your national curriculum must show the indicator or criteria of each level of PE, based on such criteria, you will modify the PE lesson.
[Four major domain: Psycho-motor, Cognitive, Affective, Social domain]

2) Subject knowledge
Need to grasp the specificity of each content of the games, physical activities, and sports event. Each type of games has different charm as well as knowledge and skills of coaching.
[Type of Games and Activities: Invasion, Net and Wall, Striking and Fielding, Target, Chasing and Fleeing, Dance and Performance, Fundamental Movement, etc]

3) Characteristic knowledge
Need to recognize the characteristics of your students and class, each class must have special human relation and mood, based on such knowledge you should modify the PE lesson by collaborative, cooperative, teaching method.
[Think-pair-share, In-/formal collaborative, problem-based learning, etc]

4) Context knowledge
Need to consider the environmental condition of your PE lesson, each school must have environmental difficulties for operating PE, such as Space, facility, apparatus, equipment, numbers of students, etc, it is also related with risk management of your class.

You can find a variety of lessons in the web-page, so please try to learn these four type of knowledge and create your own PE lesson!!!
