Expert Advisory Group on Impact Investment in Sport

Private E-team



Welcome to the virtual knowledge-sharing hub for UNESCO's new Expert Advisory Group on Impact Investment in Sport (IIS). This E-team will allow members of the advisory group to share resources, feedback on upcoming publications, and to jointly coordinate peer learning outreach sessions.

The main objectives of the Expert Advisory Group are:

• Establish IIS as a viable, wide-range tool to improve the lives of people, especially those in developing contexts.
• Raise the profile of sport for development funding from an under-utilized, niche investment class to the status of systematic, accessible, cross-sectoral development funding.
• Confirm the academic and practical validity of Fit for Life’s forthcoming standards, tools and advocacy around impact investment, through scientific and praxis-oriented advice.
• Ensure the successful rollout of F4L pilot projects, including through the establishment of a roster of experts at the disposal of Member States interested in IIS.

Geographical area: Other
Theme(s) of intervention: Economic policy / inclusive economic development, Evidence for policy / knowledge valorization, Monitoring and evaluation, Policy design and delivery, Social innovation / public sector innovation / policy innovation, Sustainable Development Goals
Created: 02 Jun 2023
Latest update: 02 Jun 2023

Outcome Documents

This is a private e-team. To see content, send a request to join it.


This E-team is the virtual knowledge-sharing hub for UNESCO's new Expert Advisory Group on Impact Investment in Sport (IIS). It will allow members of the advisory group to share resources, feedback on upcoming publications, and to jointly coordinate peer learning outreach sessions.

If you are an expert working in impact investment, or sport for development, and would like to join this advisory group, please contact the UNESCO Sport Section to express your interest in contributing as a member.
