Safeguarding young people in care

Private E-team



Safeguarding young people in care - Supporting a healthy sexual development of children and young people growing up in residential and foster care.
Presented by Gitte Riis Hansen, Professions Hojskolen Absalon - Denmark, Wim van Tongel - Artesis Plantijn University College Antwerp & Mirjam Walpot - Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

In this project four universities in The Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium and Schotland and their work field partners in the four participating countries work together in an Erasmus+ project to develop education and training for (future) professionals to help them building competences on guiding young people’s healthy sexual development. In this workshop professionals and fellow lecturers are invited to take part in an international reference group to exchange ideas and to provide feedback on what has been developed so far. Furthermore the presenters would like to challenge the existing ideas of the lecturers and professionals concerning sexuality.


Are you interested in our project 'Safeguarding young people in care - Supporting a healthy sexual development of children and young people growing up in residential and foster care'? 

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Geographical area: Other
Theme(s) of intervention: Reduction of inequalities / equity / poverty eradication, Social change / social transformations
Created: 20 Sep 2017
Latest update: 24 Nov 2022

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