Inequality in sub-Saharan Africa

Public E-team



This e-team is concerned with discussing the inequalities in sub-Saharan Africa. The outcome of this e-team’s work will be a think piece and a policy brief on this topic.

You – the members of the e-team – were invited to join due to your expertise and/or expressed interest in this field.

Some of the issues you are invited to discuss are:

-         Progression of inequalities in Sub-Saharan Africa over the last two decades - why are they pressing and where are they taking us, if they remain unchecked?

-         Multi-dimensionality of inequalities in Sub-Saharan Africa – if/how we go beyond income and wealth to grasp the other dimensions (gender, social, political, cultural)

-         Tool – existing and/or required instruments to analytically capture and address, through policies, inequalities in the region

-         Policies – what has failed in this regard? What should be replicated?


Members are welcomed to react to any of these discussion threads (see discussion section of the e-team) and/or initiate any new thread on issues relating to this topic.


This e-team is a fully collaborative space. Our co-moderator for this e-team is Professor Jimi O. Adesina – a leading expert on inequalities in sub-Saharan Africa, holder of the South African Research Chair in Social Policy at the University of South Africa. Members are free to feed in their views and contribution, discuss and share any relevant materials (e.g., data, research, policy documents).

Geographical area: Southern Africa, Western Africa
Theme(s) of intervention: Economic policy / inclusive economic development, Inclusive social development / inclusive societies / social inclusion, Policy design and delivery, Reduction of inequalities / equity / poverty eradication, Social policy
Created: 15 Jul 2019
Latest update: 16 Jul 2019


There are no working documents created yet.
