Making schools disability-inclusive


How do we ensure our school systems are prepared to cater to the needs of all children including children with disabilities? What is the role of data? What data collection tools exist and how can these tools better address disability?


An hour-long webinar with Dr. Daniel Mont a disability data specialist with vast experience in the area of disability data collection and education management information systems (EMIS), especially in low resource environments. He is the co-president and co-founder of the Center for Inclusive Policy in Washington D.C. and the lead consultant on developing indicators for monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


This webinar was part of the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP)’s Technical Round Table, co-hosted with UNICEF, on planning for disability-inclusive education, held from the 18-20 July 2018. Participants from eight countries, assessed current practices and opportunities for disability-inclusive educational planning and explore ways to address critical data and capacity gaps.


Link to the webinar
Link to sessions of the Technical Round Table  
