Disability-Inclusive Cities in Indonesia

The High Level Meeting of Mayors for Inclusive Cities


UNESCO, APEKSI (Association of Indonesian City Governments) and Banjarmasin City launched the High Level Meeting of Mayors for Inclusive Cities on October 3 and 4 to discuss evidence-based policies and practices that promote disability inclusion within their cities.
The Indonesia’s Network of Mayors for Inclusive Cities unites policymakers who are at the forefront of policy innovation and action to promote the full social participation of persons with disabilities. Twenty-two Mayors from across Indonesia, together with the heads of the municipal social welfare agencies, are participating in the event that places spotlight on participatory approaches to data collection and analysis.

This is a part of the larger project - participatory data collection and management methodology, piloted in the city by an Indonesian NGO Kota Kita in partnership with UNESCO. The project directly engaged the persons with disabilities living in Banjarmasin through field surveys, interviews, focus group discussions, and data analysis and mapping, leading to the joint production of a comprehensive disability profile of the city.

Persons with disabilities continue to experience systematic exclusion through negative attitudes, stigma, discrimination and lack of accessibility in physical and virtual environments. Data is the most powerful tool in the hands of the policymakers trying to build disability inclusive environments, but the right type of data – timely, disaggregated and fit-for-purpose – is often a scarce commodity.
The full participation of everyone, including the world’s one billion persons with disabilities, is necessary for the realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its promise of peace and prosperity for all.
The video “Paddling Together, Towards Disability-inclusive Banjarmasin," captures the key aspects of the project (Indonesian version is also available).
Download the two documents produced through this initiative (in Indonesian):

This work directly contributes to the achievement of SDG 10 (reducing inequalities), SDG 11 (building sustainable cities and communities), and SDG 16 (promoting peace, justice and strong institutions).

This article has been edited for the Inclusive Policy Lab.
