Inequalities and youth in Latin America


The region of Latin America and the Caribbean is the most unequal on the planet, and this scourge has a particularly negative impact on young people. This MOOC explores the challenges of inequalities associated with youth in the region, and recognizes the importance of addressing them as a key strategy for equitable, inclusive and sustainable development. Using theoretical and practical approaches, the course presents key issues to understand the complexity of inequalities in the reality of young people today, as well as to propose transformative paths in key participation, social inclusion and human rights. It is designed for students, researchers, political decision-makers, public servants, social and union leaders, opinion makers, activists and journalists. Innovative content will be presented, including interactive maps, videos, life stories, discussion forums, songs, animations, documents of interest, and the vision of experts and prestigious organizations.


The course is offered jointly by UNESCO, the Network of Studies on Inequalities of El Colegio de México and the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO).


