Gender Equality Markers

First module in the I know gender: how-to series


This is a UN Women Training Centre and the UN System Coordination Division course on implementing Gender Equality Marker. It is the first module of the I Know Gender: How-To Series. Gender Equality Markers serve as a tool to track trends in investments made by organizations in gender equality and women’s empowerment outcomes. This module provides a solid introduction to gender equality markers – what they are, what they can and cannot measure and how to establish a gender equality marker in your entity (including dealing with challenges).


The module provides a variety of examples (good practices and lessons learned) that help elaborate on the experiences of UN entities to date. This module is addressed to business owners or staff responsible for the implementation of gender equality marker systems within UN entities. This could include finance and budget staff, gender equality focal points, gender equality specialists, management, among others.


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The I Know Gender: How-To Series is a new series of modules from the I Know Gender online self-paced course designed to ensure knowledge on gender issues is translated from theory to practice.
