Learning catalog


We politicised science and scientised politics – is that a problem?

This 3-part podcast with Columbia University professor Gil Eyal is on trust in science, trust in expertise, and the slow demise of such.

From ivory towers to glass houses, science is transforming

This podcast with Director of Research at the CNRS Gloria Origgi is on what trust means in the case of science, why it matters (in and beyond the COVID-19 crisis), and why such trust has been seen eroding.

Our relations around data are broken - why and how to fix them

Maria Savona discusses data value, data sharing for public use and benefit, and how COVID-19 highlighted the ways new access points of data collection affect its management. This podcast joins under the workstream on DATA FOR GOOD.

Data value: to share, or not to share

This podcast with University of Cambridge professor Diane Coyle is on the value of data, focusing particularly on ways to capture and to (re)distribute such value.

Recalibrate - our policies were too heavy on efficiency, too light on equity

This high-level podcast with Dean of Harvard Kennedy School, Doug Elmendorf, and Gabriela Ramos, UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences, is on what it would take to reset equitably after COVID-19, how herd thinking hurts us, and why trust in science must be restored to move ahead smartly. 

Universal Basic Services vs. Universal Basic Income - let's talk

This podcast with Social Guarantee Network's Anna Coote and Maeve Cohen is on the core of the Universal Basic Service (UBS) agenda, the UBI vs UBS debate, and the knowledge-policy nexus on this issue.

India's quest for basic income

This 3-part podcast with BIEN Network's Sarath Davala is on India’s experience with basic income, and discusses pilots run so far, and what they tell about the potential of such schemes in India, and perhaps, in other developing countries. 

