Youth Evaluation

Public E-team


Resources on Youth Evaluations

I have been collecting a few things that might be useful background. Please add further links in the discussion thread or upload resources that you might have.


17 Sep 2018 6:49

These are some online documents that might be useful resources:

A Guide to Actively Involving Young People in Research by Perpetua Kirby

PARTICIPATORY EVALUATION WITH YOUNG PEOPLE by Barry Checkoway & Katie Richards-Schuster

"Keeping it Real": An Evaluation Audit of Five Years of Youth-led Program Evaluation by Jeffrey J. Bulanda, Katie Szarzynski, Daria Silar, Katherine Tyson McCrea

YOUTH-ADULT PARTNERSHIPS IN EVALUATION (Y-AP/E) by Shep Zeldin, Libby Bestul, Jane Powers

Youth-Led Research and Evaluation: Tools for Youth, Organizational, and Community Development by Jonathan K. London, Kristen Zimmerman, Nancy Erbstein


24 Sep 2018 6:48

Not strictly on evaluation, but I found this useful guide from UNICEF

24 Sep 2018 6:54

And another specifically about evaluation from the Innovation Center (A US based organisation)
