Technical Entrepreneurship is a catalyst for wealth creation, poverty reduction, socioeconomic empowerment, self sustenance and national development. Meanwhile, one of the prominent problems in southwestern Nigeria is inadequate skilled labour for technical jobs and inadequate entrepreneurial leadership. Hence, there is need for entrepreneurial skills among technicians in the area of knowledge and network ties for entrepreneurial success. The study was carried out in Osun State. Findings of this research revealed that 40.8% of the respondents were female and 59.2% were male, hence 75.5% of the respondents established their businesses for career purposes. Not only has that but also indicated that 67.3% respondents had both formal and informal collaborations(good forms of network composition), hence, forms of collaborations is positive and significantly related with return on asset, return on sale, profit and sales volumes respectively. While highest educational qualification is both positive and significantly related with staff strength. Performance was measured with return on asset, return on sale, profit, sales volumes and staff strength. This study recommends that technical entrepreneurs should spend more time in knowledge acquisition and be connected to good forms of network composition.