Inequality in sub-Saharan Africa

Public E-team


Oluwadamilare Odu-Onikosi's picture
Short description: 
Oluwadamilare Odu-Onikosi is the Chief Innovation Officer at Innovation Etcetera and a Graduate Student of the African Institute of Science, Policy and Innovation, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun, Nigeria
Lassane Ouedraogo's picture
Short description: 
Academic Executive Officer at Trinity College Dublin, Chairperson of the Africa Solidarity Centre Ireland. Ireland National Coordinator of the Greek Refugee Forum and the Movement of Refugees Ideas and Solutions for Europe (RISE), working with marginalised ethnic minorities in Ireland and Europe and is engaged in promoting equality by bridging the gap between those communities and policy makers. Worked with Sport Against Racism Ireland (SARI), the Irish Refugee Council as founding member of the Campaign to End Direct Provision and National Coordinator, Research Assistant in Counting the Cost "Barriers to employment after Direct Provision Report" and as an immigration caseworker.
Holger Apel's picture
Short description: 
Part of the GIZ's Poverty and Inequality Team with expertise in inequality reducing policies, 2030 Agenda and integrated approaches to development.
Jewellord Nem Singh's picture
Short description: 
I am an Assistant Professor at the International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam. I am the Principal Investigator of a €1.5 million project funded by the European Research Council entitled "Green Industrial Policy in the Age of Rare Metals" (GRIP-ARM), 2021-2026.

