Data for Equitable and Inclusive Policies

Public E-team


Raza Ullah's picture
Short description: 
Assistant Professor at the Department of Management Sciences, Islamia College University Peshawar and President of policy research think tank Alternate Solutions Institute. Raza is an adjunct research scholar at the Policy Research Institute of Market Economy (PRIME) Islamabad. His research work focuses on participatory organizational practices and application of quality philosophy in decision making.
Sue Vize's picture
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UNESCO Regional Adviser for Social and Human Sciences in Asia and the Pacific. Sue has a background in community natural resource management and working with youth. She has worked mainly in the Asia and Pacific region and joined UNESCO in 2006.
Pierre-Olivier Sire's picture
Short description: 
PhD in social sciences, researcher, civil society and development practitionner
Emmanuel Makanjuola OGUNJEMILUA's picture
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Ph.D. from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. AfricaLics Ph.D. Fellow of Aalborg University, Denmark. Collaborator and case study researcher of OpenAIR. Research areas are inclusive innovation management, knowledge dynamics management, deindustrialization and industrialization, business innovation model.
H. B. Adé Olaiya's picture
Short description: 
This project critically evaluates achievement of IDPAD 2015-24 thematic objectives of recognition, justice and development, in accordance with the ICERD 1965, and the DDPA 2001. Knowledge for understanding and critical evaluation, that advocates inclusive, dynamic, and holistic implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063 can be created from this data. E.g. critical analysis of the three pillars of sustainability, highlights pervasive systemic racism, structural violence, and social injustice obstructs our access to universal human rights.
Husyairi Harunarashid's picture
Short description: 
I am a clinical epidemiologist, working as the coordinator of the research unit of the Department of Emergency Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine, the National University of Malaysia (UKM). I was part of the team in the recently concluded UKM IKMAS-UNESCO collaborative project on the promotion of social inclusion in public policy; testing out three policy analysis instruments: Inclusive Policy Lab "The Framework for Inclusive Policy Design: Malaysia" , EquiFrame and EquIPP, on the National Policy on Science, Technology and Innovation (NPSTI).
Liana Giorgi's picture
Short description: 
Liana Giorgi works freelance in research, training and policy evaluation. She has extensive experience in project management as well as in the design and implementation of interdisciplinary and comparative research in various areas relevant for public policy such as social policy, research policy and infrastructure policy. She studied cognitive sciences at MIT (USA), social and political sciences at the University of Cambridge (GB) and psychoanalysis at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society (AT). She has published in the fields of political sociology and European integration. Book publications (as author, co-author and editor) include: Festivals and the Cultural Public Sphere (Routledge 2011), Democracy in the European Union; Towards the Emergence of a Public Sphere (Routledge 2006), Income, Poverty and Social Exclusion in the European Union: Second European Social Report (Eurostat 2003), Policy and Project Evaluation (Ashgate 2001), The Post-Socialist Media: What Power the West? (Avebury 1995).

