360-Degree Law

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Working papers

This historic volume, part of the "Transdisciplinarity Today" collection, is a compilation of contributions presented at the online symposium "For an International Transdisciplinary Chair," organized by the International Center for Transdisciplinary Research and Studies (CIRET) from March 21-25, 2024, in Paris.  The event started the celebration of thirty years since the signing of the "Charter of Transdisciplinarity," an essential document that has defined the direction of transdisciplinary collaboration and understanding. In this special year, profound gratitude and sincere appreciation are expressed to the members of the drafting committee who contributed to the creation of the "Charter of Transdisciplinarity": Basarab Nicolescu, Edgar Morin, and Lima de Freitas. Without their tireless work and dedication to the principles of transdisciplinarity, this valuable document would not have existed. They are joined by those who today contribute to modern developments. Over the past thirty years, the principles established in the Charter have inspired numerous initiatives and projects, building bridges between sciences, arts, and humanities, encouraging dialogue and respect for cultural diversity, and cultivating an open and tolerant attitude. The volume emphasizes the importance of transdisciplinarity across various fields, from education and science to economics and law, and further to solving individual and organisational problems. It explores how universities can advance knowledge through transdisciplinary chairs, contributing to the shift in global perspectives and the development of collective wisdom. The work addresses the integration of the economics of care and meaningfulness, as well as the design of a transdisciplinary legal curriculum that combines social, technological, and ethical considerations. Additionally, it proposes a new paradigm for organisational leadership through transdisciplinarity and underscores the importance of human dignity in the education of the future, exploring experiences that blend art and science to transcend conventional boundaries.
