Think pieces


Cost of survival: examining crisis impacts in Ontario

People with disabilities experience lasting impacts from a crisis, and last resort social assistance connects them to networks and services that enable survival. Ferdosi, Graefe, Lewchuk and Ross follow the factors at play by engaging with recipients of disability support in Ontario.

Eco-social policy – we need to question the premise

Eco-social policies focused on labour market inclusion fail to question the power imbalances in current socioeconomic structures. Francesco Laruffa explores how rethinking policy design for development can transform the policies produced for eco-social goals.

Rethink science communication for the post-pandemic era

The pandemic highlighted distrust and misinformation in science communication, but are we diagnosing and tackling the problem correctly? Niels G. Mede discusses the central narratives for legitimacy and weaknesses in his think piece.

Digital Public Infrastructure – lessons from India

India has successfully developed a model for foundational Digital Public Infrastructure. What will it take to replicate India's success on a global level? Experts Sharad Sharma and Samir Saran discuss how DPI serves as a public infrastructure, how the layers work together, and what the future of DPI will require.

Data solidarity: why sharing is not always caring 

Data governance needs to stop being considered a first world problem, says Barbara Prainsack of the University of Vienna. In fact, this lies at the core of global problems, capable of alleviating or exacerbating inequalities. However, data solidarity can help to distribute the risks and benefits of digital practices more equitably. But how?

What makes science trustworthy? A guide for the public

The trustworthiness of science should not require scientific expertise to assess. Expert Heather Douglas of Michigan State University argues in this think piece that trustworthiness should be based on the presence of expertise, good expert community functioning, and shared values.

Building 'forward' instead of rebuilding 'back' better

COVID-19 shed light on inequalities while contributing to tighter budgets and increased demand on policymakers to deliver more 'value'. In this think piece, Mehdi Shiva discusses moving forward to deliver innovative systematic changes by placing sustainability, health and wellbeing at the centre stage of global policymaking.

